Development of Pos-materials for the Release of the Can Amsterdam NavigatorThe agency had a task to develop a key visual and a series of POS-materials for the strong beer Amsterdam Navigator, the brand of the company EFES RUS, aimed at a younger audience of 18-30 years. According to the recent studies, the strong beer consumption among young people is falling, but the consumption of inexpensive spirits is rising constantly. The main reason for this is that even inexpensive whiskey looks more prestigious and fashionable than strong beer. Therefore, when developing the pos-materials we used spirits color codes, ‘whiskey’ elements and typography, as well as applied acceptance of an illustrative (not photographic) image of the product uncharacteristic for the Russian market. After the rally had been implemented Amsterdam Navigator beer sales rose 30 percent. development of key image (key-visual), pos-materials development, graphic design, structural design, pre-press